Welcome to chubbsnhoover.com

We want to thank everyone for coming out on the 23rd of October for joining us on our day. Wedding photos are posted in the Photo section. Don't forget to upload your own photos.

We know what you are thinking… what is up with the names… well… As children, Laura and Brendon each were nicknamed some interesting names… and thus the two have become: Chubbs (Brendon) and Hoover (Laura). Brendon was named Chubbs because when he was born he weighed a plump 10lbs, and had some nice chubby cheeks. Laura's loving family gave Laura her wonderful nickname.

The Story Of Us
Once upon a time… a few years back Laura and Brendon were forced to meet on Laura’s parent’s front door step. The two had been set up by their dear mutual friend Courtney. Upon Brendon’s surprise arrival on the door step, Laura threw her retainer out and hid behind the door. After much coaxing Brendon, Laura and Courtney went for a drive to pick up Vicky and went on a nice walk around the neighbourhood. On the not so romantic walk they discussed how much they hate Courtney, chandeliers, and big boats.

The two kept in touch through MSN and set up a time for a real date. On August 6th 2005, the two went on a date. Brendon got lost (due to crappy directions and a funny looking map from Laura) and was late, but he made it! The two went for a very quiet dinner at Jack Astors followed by a walk in Victoria park. After the walk the two went to Masonville to watch War of The Worlds (which in Laura’s opinion sucked). Upon dropping Laura off at home Brendon gave the ever so awkward hug. Side note: he has made up for that hug ever since.

Date after date the two got closer and closer, and the first kiss occurred in Laura’s parents garage. (To which all Laura could do was giggle). Then came the “I love you”. A few years later came the girls (Stegosaurus and Squash). And then after much begging by Laura  ring! (which she picked out and pointed out to Brendon) And now they are getting married!

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